Monday, February 01, 2010

Lies are lies no matter what you call them

Lesson for the day.

No such thing as black lie, white lie or half truths.

Lies are lies no matter what you call them.

Is being truthful all the time possible at all?

Is it really impossible to not lie?

A challenge was thrown out today.

To not lie this week.

To be truthful in every way possible.

Not easy at all.

Then again, belum cuba belum tahu. ^_^

Let's pray for wisdom and courage as we take up this challenge.

Are you up for it?


Cassey Raey said...

yes =P

mau said...

there was a challenge on that ar? er.... *cough cough* whoops... i didn't know.. > " < but, so far, so good la... hahahaha.. i dun think i've lied yet... = X