Wednesday, February 17, 2010

I may not

be, Percy Jackson
who's the son of Poseidon.

This is Poseidon.

I may not even be the son of....


who is...

The familiar face, Hercules.

I may not even be the son of Hades (i'm not sure who's his son),


But i'm actually much more than that. I'm one of the sons of The Most High (Psalm 82:6). I am redeemed by His own blood. I am saved. I have been shown mercy over and over again. And He did all of those simply and plainly because He loved me too much. Too much till predestined that I will be His son (Romans 8:30).

Because He loved me in abundance, I am going to trust in him. I'm going to walk with Him, by faith, not by sight. I am going to count on Him in times of trouble. And I'm going to try my best to give Him all glory without having some to myself. The temptation is there, but with His help, I can do it.

I may not be one of the sons of the Greek gods. But I am indeed the son of the Living God. I may not have super strength nor am I super smart, but I am weak. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). In my weakness, I will be shaped to be stronger.

I am glad that I am the son of the One and Only Living God. Not some myth.

p/s : if u guys pay enuff attention, in movies about some mythical gods, the narrator would probably say "Some may say... some may say..." For example, "some may say, the gods are angry with us, some may say that the gods came down and lie with humans" but as you can see, they are "may"s... Which means, they are not backed up by real facts. They are just myths.

But we Christians, we have solid proof which is known as... The Bible.
The more reason why you and I should study it even more so we wouldn't be lacking.
So, when u're free, do study the Bible. As I will too.


saun said...

aiks, no pic of God? Haha, good post!

hwei said...

good one, mawi. T_T we should have a Blog-reading session one day, where we read out good posts in the blog. =D

Shuen said...

Awesome thought there xiao di di. ^_^

mau said...

uhmmmm... hehehe... thanx you guys...

Saun : u want a picture of God? hmmmm... sorry la, but i dun have 1. all the pictures that are around also not accurate 1... let me go to heaven 1st, then i'll let u know how... = ]

Hwei : that's a good idea... hehehehe... but dun have to read mine la... shy la... i was just thinking bout it only... God was giving me those thoughts (that's a start). = D hehehehe..

Xiao Mei Mei : hehehehe.. thanx... like wat i said to ur sis, God gave me those thoughts 1... = ] i was being, a lil messenger... = D