Sunday, September 07, 2008

Updates and Prayers

Alright! Today is Melissa's birthday! So if you're reading this, remember to wish her ya? The youths planned a surprise for her during badminton..... and it worked! Most successful yet, in terms of touching the heart! You cried, but Mel, your tears touched us! With Hwei's absence, no one thought of taking pictures of the birthday girl and the cake, but luckily I remembered so pictures will be up here as soon as I bluetooth to a computer.

Now to updates! Melissa should be working most probably next week in EY (Ring any bell, shuen?) not in accounts though, but admin. Wei Jin, on the other hand, is still looking for a job. The job interview he went for was not successful as they have not called him even after the deadline so pray that as he continues to search for a job, God will bless him and give him the right one. Pray that he won't be lazy in reading Bible also :P .Moving on, Chen Li will be going back to TOA along with her brother tomorrow, so pray for safe journey. Juliana should be back at KL already, but you left so fast none of us had a chance to say bye. Next time any MGC-ians going back make grand farewell okie? *update*Juliana has her History paper on English, so pray that she won't be bored to death but study.

Pray for Chen Li's sister's friend, Wan Yi. She is having third stage cancer now, so pray that God's healing hands would be on her and others who need it as well. Besides that, pray for Lai and Yen Mei, one of the MMU survivors left. They are very busy doing their FYP and assignments, so pray that God will give them the discipline and wisdom to do their work. Lai and Yen, you can do it! Celine got UPSR tomorrow!!! Pray that she won't panic and she may be able to do well! For small fry, I got Moral folio to do so pray that I will be able to stick my butt to the chair and do it.

Not forgetting those outside Malacca, it would be too much to name all of you, but we still remember you guys! Marcus, Jeremy and Unc Ivan, we know you're reading this, so flood the chatbox with messages ya? I heard from Aunty Kim that Marcus is having holiday for one week and then exam the next, so pray that he may study and honour God with his results. As for Jeremy and Unc Ivan, they are still good, except that Jeremy starts calling everyone bro already. Don't worry, we taking care of Livia very well. From the 2 subjects given, she scored 2 A's for PMR trials already, good start! Continue to study ya! For Daniel, he seems pretty stressed over Probability and assignments, so pray that he may persevere in Sabah! *update* Tse Hwei like quite free wan, can set up friends for Flirty at 10.30 some more, but then actually busy, until msn status also put busy. Got exam and assignments so she's not that busy anymore. Pray for Shuen too, who is in final year, so very very busy. I think Gary is in final year too. Ah Zheng, didn't get much updates about you, but I overheard a bit from Unc Kian Boon that your boss or someone likes you and you're doing well, so continue to do well!

We going to have Ice Cream Day (not Night) on 13 September. It is by the kids, so maybe that's why is day, not night. The SU team will be helping out so pray for good number and the patience and ability to handle the monst... I mean kids. SU having a meeting at Wesley Church in the morning so all MGC-ians can come!

Oh yeah, this is one important update: The youth is going to have a Youth Camp! Most probably it will be in December 6-8 where most of the universitians will come back. The venue is at Lendu, the El Sanctuary place. There will be non-Christians as well, so I think the topics will be more to the evangelical side, not so sure. We have not set a theme yet, so youths who are reading this, please think of a theme and a verse most probably that goes with the theme, and tell us ya? Also, we do not have a speaker yet, so pray that God will provide one for us. That's about all. Continue to grow in God and do your quiet time (hehe) regularly ya!

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