Friday, September 12, 2008

The Dudes in New Zealand

Hi! Selaku wakil MGC-ians (albeit self-appointed) di luar Melaka dan luar negara , I bring news of Uncle Ivan, Marc and Jerm from New Zealand.

As posted on the cbox on 9 September, Marc started his mid-sem exam on 10 September, and Jerm started his on 9 September itself. And since NZ doesn't recognize Malaysia's driving license, Marc has to take a driving test all over again. We all hate driving tests, don't we? (me, at least) So pray for him!

Also, it is now spring in NZ! Woohoo! Flowers everywhere! (macamlah i kat sana) Winter's over, and that means the rugby season's over as well. I didn't know rugby is a winter sport. You guys didn't either, eh? Uncle Ivan says watching Jerm play was like waiting for a bone to be broken at any second. It's 6 more months before the next season, so Jerm's resting till then. Pray for his healthy and whole bones that they may stay healthy and whole.

Due to the lateness of the STPM results, Marc has to start with Term 2, and is currently doing terms 1 and 2 in one term. Kinda heavy, and bone-breaking as well.

Dr Sean, Dr Sherry and Michael went to visit last week, and they had a great time catching up. Uncle Ivan says it feels different yakking in a cafe instead of a mamak stall though (Uncle Ivan: I miss Melaka!). I can relate. I miss mamak stalling as well here in UM. All I have is this thing called KFC (Kafeteria First College), which is kinda slow in delivery. I.e. 45 minutes. *pengsan*

The MGC-ians in NZ are hoping to come back for the holidays next year! The boys have to work to save up for the airfare. *terharu* Pray for them as they work ya.

We'll be waiting in anticipation! Non-stop mamak-stalling throughout the holidays!

p/s: marc and jerm got to experience the high-class version of Genting Snow World. Ish! Unc Ivan said winter was terrible tho.


Sherene said...

hey, can let me know when are they coming back if they ever tell you all the date ya?

maybe i should take the initiative to email them.

hope it isn't too late...

hwei said...

okies! but you can email them as well, no prob.

Uncle Ivan:


