Monday, March 24, 2008

With The Great Cloud of Witnesses

Auntie Kim Neo left the world for a better place on Saturday, 9.45 am.

The sms I received from my mum while out shopping with sis was short, but its message struck me to the very core.

Kim Neo passed away at 9.45am this morning. Time of wake will be informed later.

I stopped walking and stared at the sms for a few moments before showing it to sis.

I'd thought she was getting better after the cancer treatments she'd been going through.

I had thought that perhaps it would be better for her to be in Jesus' arms, but I had never really imagined it would happen.

Not this way.

The wake was held Saturday and Sunday nights, at 8pm. The funeral was held at 2pm on Monday.

All Sherene said when I offered my condolences was "she's gone to a better place".

I stared at the colourless face in the coffin on Saturday night, and I couldn't help noticing how different she looked from the portrait they'd placed in front of the hall.

And in my heart, I knew that Sherene was right.

She has gone to a better place.

Our condolences to Uncle Bvarry, Marcus, Sherene, Sharonne, Jaslyn, and the other members of the family.

We'll see her again.

And Auntie Kim Neo... We know you're watching.

We'll be there.

It's a promise.


Sherene said...


Long time never drop by here. Thanks to Marcus who msn me. All the way from NZ! He was the one that told me about this posting here.

On behalf of my family, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you guys and girls who have prayed, showed care and love towards my aunty for all this while. Indeed, it is a great loss for us, but it is a multiple gain in heaven above.

Life goes on. Let us live a heavenly life on earth. Strive to be near to God. Think the way He thinks. Live the way He wants us to live.

Everyone will have to give an account to God of how have we been living our life on earth when we meet Him one day.

Jiayou!!! =)

hwei said...

yeah! good to know that you and your family are taking it all in this light. thanks for the comment =) Post more often =D