Wednesday, March 05, 2008

on dmsj and cleaning.

we had cleaning last weekend at church. we kinda do this anually? maybe. i thought i don't have to clean coz i'm involve in true/false questions luckily i brought clothes along. just like ol times, i scrub the mold out from the cement floor. this time around the use the machine. the water spray is so fast the it just separate the mold from sticking. but humans' energy is still much needed. so i scrub and scrub until i decided to cabut into the dmsj contestant's room where they're revising on their 21 chapters of up is kinda nice. i love scrubbing the floor.

many of the church aunties and uncles stayed back to help but didn't snap their pics. the above is a random one anyway. oh btw..GARY came all the way back for cleaning. ROFL. so sweet of him rite..*sacarsm* hahaha

as i mention, i was (sadly) chosen to be the floor members along with two kids. i'm the oldest.bah.but because i left some 10+ chapters untouched after 2 weeks trying to keep up with the contestants, i have a lot to catch up in one nite. *they told me i'm gonna have to answer some 100 Qs on Sunday.* but actually 47 i did my part by reading the brick testament. faster and i wont fall asleep reading bible stories. not to say the stories not interesting BUT my eyes have a thing for many words make me drowsy.worrying if the brick testament is enough, i tried to read a lil, only a lil of the Gideon part again. but i think i did ok je lah at the small test the lims got me into.

after i cabut into the dmsj room aka library...i..nono..we, kinda distracted the dmsj kids...hahaha
contestant 1

Livia Chee Yen Siang
contestant 2

Jessicca Lim Ee Ting.
contestant 3

Adrian Mau kwok ming.

syabas eh! MGC boleh!!!!!

*sorry copied my own blog again*

1 comment:

hwei said...

yay! thanks for posting, yen!