Monday, March 08, 2010


Our topic for today's Youth Meeting was living by God's standards/principles. It's more about how we should react when faced with grey areas. Grey areas are situations where the Law of the Land and God's Word do not cover or seem to be silent about. Examples of it would be smoking, drinking, etc, etc.

We should always base our decisions on these grey areas upon God's Word. God's Word is absolute. It is righteous, true, and eternal. It never changes. The 3 Rules made 2 weeks ago serve as a reminder to us as well when we make these decisions.

1. Whether your conscience is alright.
2. Is your fellow believer stumbled in your action?
3. What is the impression a non-believer gets when he sees your action?

To start out the meeting by placing the importance of rules, Sharma played a game. We're all stranded in this big island (not Pulau Besar in Malacca) and the boys and girls need to come up with rules regarding 3 matters: Food, Land, Leadership.

Well, guys simply being guys, we came up with 5 simple rules:

1. All for one, and one for all!
2. Double Tap. Must find double the amount of food, guys eat a lot.
3. Wherever we set our foot upon is our land.
4. We choose our leader by democracy. We want a leader with the biggest tummy. Ken wins.
5. When got beer, must share with everyone. Where there is great beer, there is great people!

I'm not sure about the girls' rules because they had 10 and the rules are a bit, slightly, very, absolutely biased unique. You decide that yourself. Any of the girls to edit up the rules here would be great.


1. Seduce boys at 8pm to get food.

2. 6AM-7PM are boys' time to work.

3. Boys haven't bath cannot come near us.

4. Women should have bigger land because we need to have walk in closet.

5. Tse Shuen will be the Queen. We follow ant colony's style.

6. Matriato system (Women above men)

7. Men gather food, women shall eat.

8. Men need to pay toll.

9. Guys will have food ration.

10. Those who breaks the rule shall be "kucified" (a.k.a tickled)

1 comment:

hwei said...

i hope the five rules changed a bit after the discussions. =.=