Monday, November 09, 2009

Our Father

This would probably be my first post for the MGC blog.
Yesterday's sermon, presented by Uncle Dexter from SAGC, was about

How do you picture God??

Everything that he said really touched me. So I would like to share a little bit.
Firstly, God is omni-present, means that God is everywhere. You don't have to look for Him for He is always beside you.

And later on, he shared 4 'C's about God :

a) He is a CARING God
He knows your thoughts & needs and He knows what is best for you. As he elaborated further, I began to shed a tear or two...Somehow, I felt very guilty deep within..
Bible verse : 1 Peter 5:7
- Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (NIV)
- Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you (KJV)

b) He is a CONSISTENT God
He is someone you can count on, 24/7! He's not like the people around you who just come and go. He's always there!

c) He is a CLOSE God
We have this very close relationship with God until you can call Him "Abba Father", "Father" or even "Daddy" and "Papa". But God is a perfect Father, unlike our Earthly fathers here. So we can just share anything we want with Him, exams, work, personal problems etc..etc..

d) He is a CAPABLE God
God is capable of doing ANYthing! Nothing is beyond His reach! Uncle Dexter said never challenge God because God will answer "You dare me ah??"
Haha!! =)

Just some thoughts to share..
Oh well, SPM - 9 days remaining
STPM - 14 days remaining
May the Lord grant Shaun, Chai Hoe and Jessica strength, understanding and also intelligence as they prepare for their upcoming major exams! Remember to consistently pray for them!!

Last but not least, God bless all of you!!
Have a nice day! =)


Shuen said...

^_^ That really sums it all up very nicely. Btw, pray for Chai Hoe too. He's taking SPM. God bless you too!!

hwei said...

Awwwww, that's so touching, Andy! T_T You should post more. Hm hm. T_T And yeah, let's not forget Chai Hoe. ^_^

Andy Mau said...

oh sorry... I forgot..
There, I've added! heh!
tk care! =)

saun said...

thanx for praying!

hwei said...

thanks for studying!