Tuesday, May 06, 2008

*Mother's Day 2008*

mother's day meeting after church.
the person in charge is not a mother. random statement. =P

The youth will be heading to church at 2.30pm for a special meeting. For those who don't know what it is, please sms me or anyone you think knows about the meeting. Remember what I said you're supposed to do last Saturday ya. Again, if you don't, please sms me or anyone you think knows about it.

Youth will be off this Saturday, but we're helping out with the Children's Hour Mother's Day Celebration at 4pm.

The Children's Hour will be starting at 4pm as usual. Except they'll be celebrating Mother's Day. Programme is as follows (without the time and all =P):
  • Singspiration
  • Games
  • Children's Hour kids do a Presentation (probably sing~ and they'll line up according to height and all - cute! =D)
  • Sushi demonstration (mothers) and Handicraft (children)

Auntie Lydia will be conducting a workshop on how to make sushi. Some mothers don't fancy sushi, but do your best to get them to come anyway. Let's do our part and support the children's work ya:
  • If you know any children who are interested to come, their mums will probably tag along if they ask them to.
  • If you know any children who have mums who might be interested to come, you know what to do.
  • If you know any mothers (neighbours, teachers, relatives, random aunties), please take a shot and risk it all (so to speak) for the Lord!

Let's take a day off in an entire year, to specially remember that our mums went through 9 months of pain and suffering, and then a heck of a long amount of years of scolding, disciplining and getting yelled back at, to get you to where you are today. And remember that they never once looked back and wished they'd gotten an abortion to rid themselves of the pain they knew you would bring.

Sure, some mothers aren't as good as other mothers.

Or are they just not what we expect them to be?

Uncle Philip once said:

We have a lot of problems in our relationships, because we fit people into a mould of expectations: 'He's my boyfriend, therefore he should...', 'What kind of a father is he?!', 'As a sister, she should...'.
We forget, that no matter who they are and what roles they play... they are people. People with needs and yearnings. Just like us.

Sometimes it's difficult to communicate with our mothers. Sometimes we think they talk too much. Nag too much. Scold too much. Expect too much.

Have we ever thought that perhaps they do too much? Care too much?

Nobody thinks that of anybody (except themselves). We usually remember the bad stuff.

Your mum may not be the model mum.

But as Nick Vujicic (the guy without limbs) said we shouldn't compare sufferings, I believe we should also not compare mothers.

So everyone, let's take a time-out, and commit to writing out these 3 things:
  • 2 things we appreciate about our mums
  • 2 things we failed them in / times we disappointed them / deliberately hurt them, and
  • 2 things we can commit to doing better in future.

Maybe they've been waiting to say sorry for something they wronged you in, but just couldn't bring themselves to do it.

Maybe they've been waiting for you to say 'thank you' for something they did for you, but you never did.

Maybe they are waiting to see that glimmer in your eyes that tells them you're ready to be the son or daughter they never were, but are afraid the twinkle in your eyes would disappear if they push too hard.

Maybe this year will be the year.

The year to forgive, appreciate, and grow up.

Let's make a commitment this year.

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