Monday, April 21, 2008

OA Trip - Pahang

Note: Most of the photos of the Sunday Schools are with Uncle Charles, Uncle Rodney, and Shu Lynn. Read Shaun and Adrian's blogs too.

Practice on Friday was cancelled because sis wasn't back from Batu Pahat and Sharma was still at work in Alor Gajah.

We went to 2 Orang Asli villages in Pahang last Saturday & Sunday (19 & 20 April), with Uncle Charles as our guide. Participants:


  • 8.00 am - Met up at Uncle Rodney's house in Bukit Beruang
  • 8.30 am - Finished stuffing everything into the back of the Unser and left the house. Our butts were crying out for space.
some of us were even suicidal

  • dunno what time - Reached Petronas in Negeri Sembilan and realized we left the props in Melaka
  • dunno what time - Reached Econsave to buy new improvised props and packet drinks & food for the OA

balloon is Goliat's head after being chopped off
- Unc Rod's idea

  • Had lunch somewhere (looked for a makan place with a lot of people wan) and Sharma finished the leftovers of the 6 plates of wa tan ho, mee, and bee hoon.
"you know the bottomless pit the guy in 300 fell into?"
"that was my stomach."

  • dunno what time - Met up with Uncle Charles and sat through a bumpy ride (Uncle Charles: "macam naik kuda") in his church's van
  • 2.15 pm - Arrived at the 1st village. Not as bad as the one we went to the first time (youths who went for the 1st OA trip are cringing now). Got proper church with a cement floor. Shu Lynn led the singing, Adrian taught the kids how to fold their helmets for the battle between Israel and the Philistines, we did the skit & memory verse, then handed gifts to the children.
  • 5 pm - Uncle Charles brought us to Tasik Bera, where we first had a boat ride. There were 9 of us, so 5 went into Boat #1, and 4 into Boat #2. The motorboater in Boat #1 kept telling us: "mereka ada 4 orang takper. kita de 5 orang. bahaya." and "hah jangan bergerak-gerak. sini tak cetek. tengok tu. dalam. takde yang cetek." Ish.

so this is what we did on the boat: sit. still. real still.

  • I didn't dare move even when I saw Sharma elak a branch. And so I got smacked in the face by a branch. Nevermind. Better then looking up from the brown water (and spurting the brown water) and having the 24-year-old motorboater smile down at me and say: "tengok. kan dah cakap jangan gerak-gerak?"
k la. once in awhile looked at the sky.

sometimes the water aso got other colours la.

  • Anyway, after turning back to somewhere near where we started, we got to jump into the lake with our lifejackets and swim around =D
...and so we loosened up a bit after that (adrian blocked)

  • 7 something - After splashing about forming human chains and having swimming competitions, we bersusah-payah climbed back up onto the boats and headed to the motorboat chalet to bathe.
National Swimming Team

  • 8.00 pm - Arrived at the 2nd village (got big church, toilet, and TV - what kinda OA village izzat!) and did some improving on the props (the previous village's kids said Daud killed Goliat with a tukul & bom) before dinner. After that, we started the Saturday Sunday School. This time we had a game, led by Sharma (the previous village's church was much smaller, so takut the windows go ping pong piang) in place of the craft. Then we handed out the toys and clothes that some MGC-ians had donated. Toys were cool.
check this out

  • After that we hung around with the kids and did some silly stuff with them. Some of the photos are with Shu Lynn, so we'll check out her blog later (when she's free).
sharma doing some original super basketball skill

  • Then we practiced our song item (since we really didn't feel like performing the skit for the adults for certain reasons ^_^") - You Are My All In All - and the testimony-ers ran through their testimonies again.
  • 11.30 pm - Tidur. The girls, anyway.


  • 7.00 am - Woke up, did our Quiet Time, and began practicing song item and running through testimonies again. Oh ya. Shu Lynn taught us a really cool Hindustani dance. And sis taught us the equally cool Chicken Dance.
  • 8.30 am - Breakfast - Bee hoon, fried eggs, milo.
  • 9.00 am - Villagers were not ready for service. Uncle Charles said they looked to the sun to determine the time (really? couldn't tell if he was bluffing) and it just so happened Sunday's sun was a little late. So we went to the river to look-see. And we did some other stuff.
free kick. guess what happened after that?

hint: hwei's the goalkeeper

  • 9.30 am - Worship service began with Uncle Charles telling everyone to "boreo" (senyap?), and then he commenced the meeting with a prayer and a song. We sang a few songs in BM, and a few in the Semelai language. Quite interesting. Should try that in Melaka one day. I passed a songbook to the uncle next to me, and he said, "Takper. Tak faham." And so most of the time, he didn't sing. A few of the adults were illiterate also. Hmm. The song requests were mostly by the ladies. The men sat and listened. Sometimes sang. Then Uncle Charles read from Psalm 92, about how some people would prefer to tanam padi, pancing ikan, and toreh getah on Sunday, and sneer at the OA who came to church and call them fools. Admired how he made the psalm applicable to everyone there, regardless of occupation or culture. After the singing, we introduced ourselves (and were interrogated on our relationship statuses ^_^"), Shu Lynn and Adrian shared their testimonies, and Uncle Rod shared on 2 Samuel - David and Bathsheba's Adultery. It was long, but substantial. I personally think Uncle Rod preaches better in BM than in English. Maybe because the malay language is more expressive, and less polite (as in doesn't say bad things in a good way etc).
  • After that, we mingled somemore with the children and finally took some photos with them.
no OA trip is complete without teaching them the 'peace' sign
and having them use more fingers for it than two.

hyperactive brothers with a cute big-eyed baby bro

  • Finally left them and started the journey back to Melaka. Sis was feeling very sick the whole of Sunday. Had stomach cramps and vomited. =( We did some stuff in the car which I don't find appropriate for mention here in this blog, but which I might write about in my own blog ^_^"
this is all i'll let out here

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