Sunday, June 10, 2007

Copa IBA IV - A Less Desirable News Flash

Dengan duka-citanya, I announce the cancellation of MGC's participation in Copa IBA 2007 (and probably 2008, 2009 and so on).

3 reasons:

1. Uncle Dexter just confirmed that we need 7 non-Christians for Captainball. Which we obviously do not have.

2. I've had feedback that the Copa IBA event hasn't been really good for the non-Christians because some of the teams there are super kiasu and play rough sometimes because they want to win. Some non-Christians have left the event feeling confused and disappointed at the apparent contradiction between what Christians preach and what Christians do. Not pointing fingers at anybody / everybody in Copa IBA. Just relating what I heard. Of course not everyone there does that. So pokoknya, since it's already pretty hard to even get Malaccan non-Christians to travel 3 hours outstation for a game that we'll probably lose in the first place, I think it'll be really bad if we actually experienced some of that kiasu-ness. They'll probably never come for another Christian event ever again.

3. Daniel told me that the youth have to present something for Family Night in MGC, July 14 - the day of Copa IBA itself. Although it's at night la. Well, we've got to choose the lesser of two evils right? Family Night will probably more effective than Copa IBA, I guess. Not saying the two options are evil or anything. It's just a figure of speech. Like sedikit-sedikit, lama-lama jadi bukit. No such thing in real life la. Just a figure of speech. Yeah.

I am so sorry for getting your hopes up but we're gonna have to pass on Copa IBA this time around.

Many thanks to those of you who've shown your utmost loyalty to MGC and your unwavering faith in MGC's err kalah takper, janji ada gaya spirit. At least we're content with who we are right?

Anyway, we'll still continue to update this site (unlike the Copa IBA site which is like totally unupdated, be there such a word) for all of you.

Thanks, and sorry again!


cluelessfreak said...

nice one

hwei said...

Thanks. Err. I think.

Anonymous said...

=( and i was boasting to my rbs mates about how my "mission team's church" will be participating in iba.

Chen said...

gus, i wanna go for family nite lae!!!

hwei said...

Awwwww that's so touching, brian! Haha. Really. Thanks for being so proud of us =D

You'll be participating in copa iba izit?

Come back for family nite la, chen li. Our open arms are waiting for youuuuuuu~