Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Generation Z!

Some of you may have received this text from Chen Li on 2 September 2010:

Dear all, Grace is going for C-section next Wednesday.
Please pray for safe delivery and Grace.
She's anxious and know not what to expect.
Baby Joshua is a lil small for now but all organs are well-developed.
Thank God. :)
So pray for Grace, GY and baby Joshua.

Well, guess what?

Grace safely delivered today!!!! Wheeeee!!!!


And so we have another from Generation Z in MGC. (since Stephen selalu kata we are Generation Y kan?)

Even elephants celebrate new birth, so let's celebrate the birth of Joshua Cheah with much prayer of thanksgiving. =D

And don't forget to call/text the happy parents. =D

(and this is the first time i'm using the tag "birthdays" on somebody's zero-eth birthday. so exciting!)

p/s: see sidebar for a list of known Generation Z members.


Here's baby Joshua! Sorry I couldn't upload the one I took so I stole from GY's facebook. Hahaha. But he is soooooooooooooooooo cute. Quite tiny. 2.6kg and he looks like Geng Yi. Haha. And Grace is recuperating in UM hospital. Pray for speedy recovery and she's still in pain la. She will be discharged on Friday if all goes well. :) And since Juliana asked when the baby will come to Malacca, Geng Yi said most probably after 3 months lo. SO be patient ok. If tak sabar then come over and visit. Hahaha. XD



saun said...

Congrats to the Cheahs!

Haha why don't wanna name him Shaun? not bad wat the name! Joshua's awesome too anyway!

Chen said...

Gonna visit the family tonite! WIll keep you guys updated!

Unknown said...

why generation Z? does it mean its the last generation(ABCDE...Z) ???

Chen said...

Yeah. The next generation will be Gen A. A for Apocalypse and Armageddon. Hahahaha.