Auntie Yu Ming's cousin, Tien Leng, fell from a 3-storey building in Genting while trying to get his keys. Auntie Yu Ming sent a series of sms-es to ask for prayer:
1 December 2007 - Morning.
Hi, would appreciate if you could pray for my cousin, Tien Leng who had an accident in Genting. Fell out a 3-storey building. At KL GH now. Critical condition. Bleeding from lungs and brain. No proper treatment. No beds available at ICU. Thanks.
1 December 2007 - A few hours later.
Thanks for praying! Cousin in operation now. They are working on his stomach and lungs. Pupils of eyes fixed, not responding. Probable brain damage. We are going up to KL in late afternoon. Thanks again.
2 December 2007
Hi, just wanted to update you on cousin's condition. Vital signs stable. Unconscious, on respirator and dialysis machine. Biggest concern now is brain damage. They are going to take another X-ray. If blood clot in brain, needs to be removed. Grateful for all your prayers!
Uncle Anthony announced in the prayer meeting yesterday that Tien Leng had passed away on 3 December 2007. The funeral was held yesterday.
We offer our condolences to Auntie Yu Ming and Tien Leng's family.
Please pray for Auntie Yu Ming and family, that they can handle it well. Auntie Yu Ming just sms-ed and said that she's fine and thanks us for our prayers and condolences. She asks that we keep her cousin's family in prayer.
Pray that they will return to Malacca safely. Pray that no one's faith will fail because of God's "No" to our prayers.
We don't know why things happen, why death occurs so suddenly when there was once hope.
We question God's judgment and falter in our faith.
That is how the disciples must have felt as they watched Jesus die on that wooden cross.
And yet there was a reason for it all. The resurrection of Jesus proved that God's wisdom is never to be questioned, for His thoughts are not our thoughts, neither are our ways His ways (Isaiah 55:8).
God has a reason for everything. Sometimes we, as humans, are unable to comprehend those reasons. So let us hold fast, while doing the few things we can do - and that is to pray and to comfort the grieving family.
Pray. For there is still much to pray for.